宝润达新材高新技术企业 上市代码:873445

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类别:新闻中心发布时间:2024-9-4 浏览人次:34

今天跟大家分享这个案例厉害了。新一代化合物半导体研制基地项目,总建筑面积有 5.79 万平方米,是我国红外探测器技术迈向国际超高水平的重要一步。所以对外墙材料的选择那可真是特别严格,得既结实耐用又好看,还得能体现出现代科技企业的那种范儿。这竞争那叫一个激烈,在众多外墙装饰材料里面,宝润达靠着超棒的品质和服务成功胜出,签下了16000 平方米2.5 毫米的宝润达氟碳铝单板真石漆保温一体板8500平方。

Today, I'm sharing an impressive case with you all. The new-generation compound semiconductor research and development base project has a total construction area of 57,900 square meters, marking a significant step for our country's infrared detector technology to reach an internationally advanced level. Therefore, the selection of exterior wall materials was particularly stringent, requiring them to be not only sturdy and durable but also aesthetically pleasing, and capable of reflecting the vibe of a modern tech enterprise. The competition was fierce, but our company, BRD, won out with exceptional quality and service, securing the contract for 16,000 square meters of 2.5-millimeter BRD fluorocarbon aluminum panels; and 8,500 square meters of real stone paint thermal insulation composite panels.



Our fluorocarbon aluminum panels are not only practical but also visually appealing. They feature a smooth surface, fine texture, and customizable colors with a variety of options. This allows the building to have its own personality, matching the high-tech aura of the new-generation compound semiconductor research base, showcasing the company's professionalism and forward-thinking. Moreover, the aluminum panels are lightweight yet strong, ensuring building safety while reducing construction difficulty and accelerating the construction progress, laying the foundation for the project's rapid completion and efficient operation.



Choosing BRD's products is not just about selecting exterior wall decoration materials; it's also about considering the project's future sustainable development. The outstanding weather resistance and long service life reduce the costs of later maintenance and replacement, aligning with the concept of modern green architecture and adding momentum to the company's long-term development.
