HABIBRD successfully completed the registration of Class 17 and Class 19 trademarks in the EU! Covering refractory tile and cement products; Non-metal building materials other than building metals; Glass and non-metallic materials for construction. Refractory brick and cement products; Non-metal building materials other than building metals; Glass and non-metallic materials for construction; Products of stone, gypsum, cement, asbestos, mica and similar materials; Refractory products and a wide range of fields. This important milestone not only highlights HABIBRD's deep heritage in the field of energy-saving new materials, but also marks our steady progress in the international market.
HABIBRD,作为宝润达旗下的璀璨明星,巧妙融合了“居住”(Habit)的前缀“HABI”与宝润达品牌名称首字母“BRD”,寓意着为人们的居住空间带来更高品质、更舒适的体验。这一品牌标识的独特性,正是宝润达对品质与创新的不懈追求之体现。 HABIBRD, as a shining star of BRD, cleverly integrates the prefix "HABI" of "Habit" and the initial letter of BRD's brand name "BRD", which means to bring higher quality and more comfortable experience to people's living space. The uniqueness of this brand identity is a reflection of BRD's relentless pursuit of quality and innovation. 作为一家专注于节能新材料产品的企业,宝润达始终坚持以用户需求为导向,不断探索与研发,力求将最优质的材料、最前沿的设计理念融入每一件产品中,每一处细节都经过精心雕琢,每一件产品都承载着我们对品质的不懈追求。以匠心独运的工艺,打造出既符合现代审美又兼具实用性的项目解决方案。 此次欧盟商标注册的成功,是对宝润达品牌实力的高度认可,也是我们国际化战略的重要一步。展望未来,我们将继续秉承“共筑美好,让地球上的人和建筑更舒适”的品牌理念,为全球消费者提供更多高品质、高性价比的产品。我们相信,通过不懈努力与创新,宝润达将成为更多客户信赖与喜爱的品牌,共同开启更加美好的生活篇章!